Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Whom it May Concern...

My birthday is coming up soon. In 16 days to be exact. I would really like a cake that looks like this.

 Vanilla cake with a whipped cream and fresh strawberry filling. That is all. Oh an a tiara to wear while I eat my cake.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Yesterday my mom asked me what my new years resolution was and I told her I didn't have one. I never seem to keep my resolutions when I make them. This year I've decided to just make a list of things I'd like to do this year rather than try to hold myself to one big goal.

2011 Goal #1: Cook More.
Going out to eat is so expensive and quite unhealthy (In n Out tends to be a popular choice for dinner or lunch). I'm going to try to hit the grocery store once a week and stock up on things to make. It doesn't have to be totally healthy food (I like my carbs and delicious cheese too much to be a health nut) but it will save me a lot of money.
I think I'm going to try a pot roast this week. Yum.

I'll be posting some more 2011 goals soon.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Mall Can Make You Crazy...

I've been a bad blogger again! I'm sorry. I just need to get in a routine and then I'll finally have this blogging thing down. Don't hate me though, I have had quite a crazy schedule ever since the holiday season hit. Working retail really isn't my cup of tea, but hey, it's a job. I'm convinced that the mall can make a person go crazy. As much as I love shopping and clothes I kind of hate the mall... is that weird? And it's not because I work there because I've never been a huge fan of the mall. Well outdoor malls are pretty cool. I don't hate outdoor malls. I am pretty lucky to work on the outside promenade, I can still see the sky and trees from the window. Oh! And right now on the promenade it snows* 3 times a night while they play Christmas music! Just like Disneyland. (If you didn't know, it snows every night at Disneyland during Christmastime.)
*When I say snow I really mean they shoot soap bubbles from the roof and make it look like snow. 

Speaking of Disneyland, I've been a few times in the past month or two. Here's a picture of me in front of their GIANT Christmas tree. It was also a lovely 90 degrees that day so the scarf was mostly to let everyone know that it's December and not July. (In case the Christmas tree didn't give that away.)

I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season filled with Christmas cheer (I swear I'll have some more of that once I'm away from the mall) ♥

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Time

I have a friend who has an epic Halloween party every year which is really exciting because I can't imagine Halloween without costumes and fun. I went as a flapper because a few months ago I found this awesome dress at H&M for $7, how could I pass that up? Lucky for me I had everything else I needed already. I tried putting my hair in a faux bob, it worked for a little while, but it was definitely falling out by the end of the night. 

Apparently wearing gloves makes chugging a Smirnoff Ice seem lady-like.
I brought along my friends Lauren and Lisa. Lauren was a kitty cat and Lisa was the Queen of Hearts
This is what happens during prohibition.
The party was on Saturday night so the actual day of Halloween I spent relaxing. Esteban invited me over to his house for breakfast (which was great because I needed food to help recover from the party.) I went home pretty early so he could get some homework done and I watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show marathon while eating candy the rest of the night. I must say, I had some strange dreams and I woke up with Sweet Transvestite stuck in my head.
I hope you all had a great Halloween too!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You've Got What it Takes

I've been wanting to post something for the past few days, but I'm still recovering from the wedding. Everything went so well! It was the most amazing wedding ever. Seriously. It was beautiful. We were all really afraid it was going to rain (the ceremony was outside) but it stayed misty without raindrops until we were all done with the ceremony and the pictures, then it poured. I can't wait to see the pictures. Speaking of which, I know I've been talking about the wedding a ton and now that it's over I'll start to have more posts about regular everyday (but still fun) things.
I am so proud of the video I made for the wedding. Everyone seemed to love it too. It served as my speech because I'm not a good speech maker. I really think it was the right choice to go with the video instead. I know you are all dying to see it right?

Wedding Day Video from Nicole Schall on Vimeo.

Now that the wedding is over I need to find other things to look forward to. Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do for Halloween. What are your Halloween plans? Something fun I hope!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just a few hours to go..

Ok I just got home from my little sister's rehearsal dinner and I just wanted to take a minute to quickly say how excited I am for her. Tonight was so perfect and I know tomorrow is going to be even better. All the stress and effort from planning this wedding will all be worth it once the wedding day is actually here. I can't believe she's really getting married. It feels so surreal. It's always been just the two of us in our own little sisterly bubble, but after tomorrow she will have a husband and, maybe in the not too distant future, kids of her own. It feels like the beginning of a new frontier. An exciting new frontier. Even though I am a big hater of change, I know that Erin and I will always be sisters and we will always be friends so I'm excited in sharing this big step with her. It feels like we really are growing up now. This time tomorrow my baby sister will be a wife and I will have a brother in law. It gives me hope for my own future and, as much as I resist growing up, I know that getting married and having kids is one big step towards growing up that I'd be happy to take. Erin always did want to grow up faster than me, but that's ok, she can show me how to do it right ♥ I love you Erin.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Fashion Daydreaming

Now that the 100 degree weather has been traded for thunderstorms I've realized that my closet is not prepared. I went browsing through the Anthropologie website and now I'm drooling over clothes I can't possibly afford. Here are a few things I'm not sure I can live without.
Pilcro Stretch Cord Leggings: Anthropologie
I haven't worn cords since middle school when we were forced to wear uniforms. I had a pair in navy and a pair in tan, both from The Limited Too, and I loved them. I really like that these are leggings which makes them really easy to wear with boots. And speaking of boots I really need a pair in camel.
Upwards Boots
Once I find a pair of skinny cords and camel boots a little closer to my price range I can't wait to wear them on a chilly day to my favorite place in the world, Disneyland. (I have an annual pass). While I'm there I'm going to make sure I've saved enough money after my shopping spree for one of these delicious looking treats.
Jack Skellington Apple
Now it's time for me to pick up the last minute things I need for Erin's wedding before I head off to what's sure to be a very slow day at work.
* Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and left comments, it's so encouraging to know that I have actual readers! It's so exciting. ♥♥♥